Oil Paintings
Oil paintings are usually painted on either boards or canvas. If the oil painting is painted on canvas it needs to be stretched over a suitable stretcher. You may well have bought an oil painting on your holidays that is either in a roll or had to be taken off the original stretcher to get it back in your suitcase. The oil should now be properly stretched before framing which is a service offered at The Petersfield Framing Studios. Oil paintings are usually best framed without over mounts and without glass. They can also traditionally suit a heavier or wider moulding. Older oil paintings may look more authentic with very ornate or "swept" frames.
Alternatively you could just hang the oil "frameless" after it has been stretched by us over wooden stretchers, which is a recent trend in displaying contemporary oil paintings. If you have a slightly older oil painting, it may need restoration, such as re-lining of the canvas or re-varnishing. Picture Restoration is a service that is also offered by us. Alternatively we can provide a cheaper service of dry mounting the oils onto board and then framing them in your choice of frame.