Planning a framed surprise for Christmas or a special occasion? A perfect idea and we love surprises. Picture framing a loved one's favourite piece of art and keeping it a surprise is a brilliant idea and often makes one of the best presents. I have been (and are currently!) involved in framing many surprises for people and have been involved in many subtle methods of keeping secrets for customer's surprises. This has even involved sneaking into customer's gardens and leaving a framed item in their shed. I wish that customer had remembered to take their dog indoors. I'm still not sure who was the most surprised! However the important thing was the surprise was still kept for the customer. What is also important is to let me know it is a surprise for someone in your household as I will contact you when the framing is ready and I do not want to give away any surprise. This may involve us leaving a message on an answerphone or e-mail so please make sure you let me know how I can communicate with you without giving the game awayand keep your surprise presents a surprise.