So you may recall part one of this article about the Invictus Games montage from 2014. Here is what it looked like once framed.
The customer made an interesting statement as I delivered the picture to his home to the effect of "I certainly won't achieve anything better that this in my life." Well, it turned out he was wrong. In the months leading up to the 2016 Invictus Games in Florida, my customer was contacted again by the Georgian Sitting Volleyball Team. This is also, incidentally, after he had helped to secure funding for their own purpose-made sitting volleyball court in their home country of Georgia. No small achievement in itself but this wasn't what the call was about. The Georgian Team wanted him to train them again in Florida. Well of course he was really excited with another opportunity to work with his friends so off he went to Florida.....and came back with this montage:
Unbelievably impressive to have won a bronze medal I would say. The customer wanted a few photos in the montage this time to reflect the mood of the games which always was such passion and commitment. We experimented with a few layouts of the shirt and medal but settled on this format with some text added:
The most important aspect of this type of framing project is conservation. Also the customer might want to wear the medal again. He stated that he did not think he would ever wear it but it has been framed in such a way that it could be very easily removed from the frame and worn if required. In other words, in the true meaning of conservation framing, the items to be framed could be returned to their original states prior to framing with ease. It was decided that apertures around each item would set them off well against the black background.
Here is the finished montage framed to match the montage from the 2014 Invictus Games as they would ultimately hang together.
I must say I was pretty proud to be part of this story but the most exciting part of this job for me was to see the photos, especially the one with the customer giving one of the team member a high-five just after he had won a point. The Georgian Team member's face is a real joy to see and summed up the whole team's emotions throughout the games. Amazing indeed.
I do count myself as very lucky to be part of my customers amazing achievements and this is certainly one of the best behind the scenes far!