When you first think about certificates perhaps you could be forgiven for believing they are not the most exciting pictures that can be framed. However, is that really fair when you think about what that person had to ordeal to be awarded that certificate? I have been fortunate enough to frame certificates for people that mark some extraordinary efforts on the part of the recipient. For example I have framed indentures giving people freedoms of cities, Doctorate certificates, armed forces commissions along with other academic and professional qualifications to name but a few. What inspired me to write about certificates is perhaps the way that we are very bad at celebrating our own achievements. My own professional qualifications are on display in my workshop but I must confess that the primary reason was to provide examples of how to frame certificates and not to show off my achievements! I recently framed a customer's son's black belt at karate certificate. The amount of time, dedication and effort to achieve that is an amazing commitment and it is only right that the certificate should be displayed in a prominent place in the customer's home. A far smaller achievement was recently accomplished by myself when I passed my Grade One piano exam. It may not sound an awful lot but it means a lot to me and the resulting certificate has taken pride of place next to my keyboard at home! They do not have to be framed in a 24 carat gold leaf frame (unless you want to!) but they can look really effective with just a simple mount and frame. I always think a certificate framed straight into a narrow black frame almost looks like you are ashamed of the achievement so be bold and show off your skills with a suitable mount and frame.