We are often asked to frame medals and with the recent medal rush by Team GB at the Olympics I thought it might be an interesting topic to cover especially as we have recently framed a set of medals for a customer. I haven't as yet framed an Olympic Medal but I have framed London Marathon Medals so I may change this blog accordingly in the future!
The first issue with framing medals concerns whether they will ever be worn again. If so, the frame will need a removable back. Also the medals will need to be easily removed from the frame itself. This is fairly easy to achieve and was a recent project for a retired Admiral where he needed to wear them at certain military ceremonies. However in this particular case for this blog entry the medals were awarded for school attendance in the early 1900's so the idea was that the finished framed medals combined with text telling the story behind the medals would form a permanent display. Medals often look effective on a black background and in this instance the medals were carefully stitched onto black velvet. Then the medals can easily be removed by simply cutting the stitches and thus returning the medals to their original state. This utilises a conservation principle of picture framing where anything that you frame should be easily restored to it's original state. Then the medals were framed using a painted black ash moulding which is deep enough to keep the glass away from touching the medals. Also by using a black over mount any other items such as photographs, certificates or descriptive text can easily be added to the finished frame.
The finished result looks very effective and a great way to display items that might otherwise stay in a draw or box in the loft!